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Guidelines for NARFE Participants

            WELCOME to History@fedgov’s  project to collect your gems of federal history to use in our national publicity campaign. The histories and personal stories that you create will be key ingredients in messages that will spotlight good things that federal agencies have done for the Nation. Thank you for participating. We hope you will find it an interesting and rewarding experience.

We are looking for two types of stories:

            1. Agency History: Stories about great things that happened at agencies: remarkable people who worked for a federal agency, even if only for a little while; or unusual or outstanding events in a federal agency’s history. Feel free to write about an agency or office whether you worked there or not. A great starting point for your investigations would be History@fedgov itself. A product of the Society for History in the Federal Government (SHFG), it links to over 260 federal agency history pages and rich troves of historical documents. It would be helpful to us if you would include in your entry the links to any sources you found through History@fedgov.

            2. Personal Experience: Highlights from or observations about your own service; stories of incredible folks you worked with; accounts of major accomplishments that you were a part of; anecdotes or vignettes that illustrate the terrific value of your agency.

            As part of your entry, please feel free to share any ideas you have on how your story could be used in a public service message featuring the agency you write about. Be as creative as you like.

            Please send your entry as an attachment in Microsoft Word if possible. Otherwise just include it in the body of your email message. Please email entries to And also send a copy of each entry to NARFE at NARFE will be setting up a database of your stories and histories for future use. All entries sent to History@fedgov become our property and must be received by June 1, 2019.

Judson MacLaury

Curator, History@fedgov


Society for History in the Federal Government
PO BOX 14139
Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044

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