2021 Friday ColloquiaIn lieu of a formal 2021 meeting, the Society will be hosting a series of colloquia on Fridays in the Spring of 2021.
Each event will have a registration page. A zoom link will be emailed to registrants.
SHFG Colloquia Schedule
(more presentations to be added)
Friday, February 12 at 1pm
Thursday, March 4 at 1pmDonald A. Ritchie, U.S. Senate Historian Emeritus
"The Power of Political Journalism: Leaks, Lies, and Libel in Drew Pearson's Washington"
Friday, April 2 at 1pmJames F. Siekmeier, Associate Professor of History, West Virginia University
"Before the Opioid Epidemic: Historical Origins of the War on Drugs in the Andes"David Hamilton Golland, Assistant Professor of History, Governors State University
"The Oral History of Affirmative Action: Reconstructing the Philadelphia Plan and Arthur Fletcher"
Friday, April 23, 2021 from 1pm to 3pm
Stories from the Field:Perspectives on Cultural Resource Management and Preservation
Panel Discussion with Jennifer Thornton, Casey DeHaven,and Benjamin Marnell