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Member Awards

This award is given for excellence in scholarship on the history of the federal government and is given each year to both a Society for History in the Federal Government member and a Federal Government History Office. 


Nominees will be judged on submitted monographs, articles, essays, edited collections, digital projects, or any other publicly available historical work on the history of the federal government. These works may be presented in a publication, as a digital project, or through other media. Submissions published online will be considered.

Entries are judged for value in furthering the understanding and history of the federal government; quality and thoroughness of research; style and appropriateness or presentation; suitability and rigor of methodology; and use of original and primary materials.


1. Submit nomination through Google forms by January 31, 2025. 
2. Include brief letter commenting on the merits of the nominee in nomination form.

3. Include nominee(s)’s resume or curriculum vitae in nomination form.

***Please note: The award is made solely on the basis of the materials submitted.***

Committee Members

Frederick Augustyn
Library of Congress

Tracey Baetz
Chief Curator
U.S. Department of the Interior

Christine Lamberson
Director, History Office

Federal Judicial Center


Society for History in the Federal Government
PO BOX 14139
Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044

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