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Senate Judiciary Hearings concerning Cambodian relief, October 16, 1979. 

From left: Senators Harold Metzenbaum, Edward Kennedy, and Strom Thurmond.

Issue 4, January 2012

Editors’ Note

Benjamin Guterman
Terrance Rucker

Roger R. Trask Lecture

Crisis and Change: In the Company of Clio
Philip L. Cantelon

Research and Resources

Synchronizing Domestic and Foreign Policy Concerns: The Case of the 1980 Refugee Act
David W. Haines

The Promise of Policy History in the Public History Curriculum
Arnita A. Jones


GAS, GAS, GAS!: The Debate Over Chemical Warfare
Christopher A. Warren

The Regulatory Dilemma of the Federal Power Commission, 1920-1977
Philip L. Cantelon

Pioneers of U.S. Military Cryptology: Colonel Parker Hitt and His Wife, Genevieve Hitt
Betsy Rohaly Smoot

The Cold War as Context (not in print edition)
George C. Herring

“A Wet and Nasty Job”: Army Engineers and the Nicaragua Canal Survey of 1929-1931 (not in print edition)
Michael J. Brodhead


Federal History features scholarship on all aspects of the history and workings of the federal government, and of critical historical interactions between American society and the government, including the U.S. military, 1776 to the present. It also publishes articles examining contemporary issues and challenges in federal history work. The journal highlights the research of historians working in or for federal agencies, academic historians, and independent scholars.

For submissions or inquiries, e-mail the Federal History editors at:

ISSN 2163-8144    (print) — sent to members
ISSN 1943–8036  (online)


Society for History in the Federal Government
PO BOX 14139
Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044

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