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Excellence in New Media Award

This award recognizes annually a digital born or based historical project that contributes to a broader understanding of the federal government.


This prize will be conferred on a project created by an agency or unit of the federal government, or a nongovernmental organization or federal contractor(s) that performed eligible activities on behalf of a unit of the federal government. 

Projects launched in the last two years will be considered. Ongoing projects are welcome, and projects may be re-nominated, as long as a description with any updates since the original nomination is included.

Preference will be given to members of the Society for the History of the Federal Government.

Any digital project including: digital collections, online research tools, blogs, websites, or web-based video by individuals, groups, community organizations, or other organizations may be nominated.

Individuals or entities responsible for the project may nominate themselves, be nominated by others familiar with the project, or be nominated by the award selection committee itself.


Nominations and supporting materials should specifically address three equally weighted criteria:

1. The creativity and/or innovativeness of the presentation.

2. The quality of historical research and interpretation resulting from the use of archival material, material culture, oral history, or any other appropriate form of documentary evidence.

3. The contribution to the public’s understanding of an aspect of federal history.

Email for more information. 


1. Submit nomination through Google forms by January 31, 2025.

2. Include a written narrative not to exceed 1,000 words that clearly addresses how the project meets award criteria.

3. Include link to access the project in nomination form.

4. Include copy of nominee(s)’s resume or curriculum vitae in nomination form.

***Please note: The award is made solely on the basis of the materials submitted.***

Committee Members

Thomas Faith, Ph.D.

Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State

Claire Jerry, Ph.D.


Smithsonian's National Museum of American History

Mircea Munteanu

Bureau of Intelligence and Analysis (INR), U.S. Department of State


Society for History in the Federal Government
PO BOX 14139
Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044

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