Thursday, May 29
8:00 am
Registration Opens (Light Breakfast) Dining Room C
9:00-10:30 am
Session 1: Plenary
The Current State of Federal History
Montpelier Room
10:30-10:45 am
10:45 am -12:15 pm
Session 2
Panel 1
Panel 1: Career Pivots: Finding Inspiration and Avoiding Professional Doldrums
West Dining Room
Panel 2
Panel 2: Communicating History's Importance to the Federal Government and the Public
Montpelier Room
Alexandra Levy, American Historical Association
Daniel S. Holt, U.S. Senate Historical Office
Mark Folse, U.S. Army Center of Military History
12:15-1:30 pm
Dining Room A
1:45-3:15 pm
Session 3
Panel 3
Panel 3: American Revolution at 250 Commemorations: Perspectives and Insights
Montpelier Room
Chair: Shannon Granville, U.S. Army Center of Military History
Johnathan D. Bratten, U.S. Army Center of Military History
Zach Klitzman, Library of Congress
Susan Reyburn, Library of Congress
Suzanne Isaacs, National Archives and Records Administration
Nancy Sullivan, National Archives and Records Administration
Joseph Seymour, U.S. Army Center of Military History
Panel 4
Panel 4: Celebrating 70 Years of the Nuclear Ship Savannah Program
Dining Room A
Anna Gibson Holloway, U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration
Barbara Voulgaris, U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration
Erhard Koehler, U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration
Panel 5
Panel 5: Building the Archive: Oral History, Data Collection, and Collecting Documents in Federal History
West Dining Room
Chrissie Reilly, Department of Defense
"Lessons from Operation Allies Welcome and the RFF Deployment to Ramstein AB"
Joseph Ballengeer, U.S. Census Bureau
"Enumeration Nation: 1960 Census Evaluation and Research Program"
Francis Park, Defense Security Cooperation University
"Field History Over the Horizon: Collecting Records from U.S. Forces, Afghanistan in 2021"
Patricia Pinto da Silva, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
"NOAA Voices: Integrating Oral History into the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration"
Panel 6 |
Meeting of the Oral History Working Group
Dining Room C
3:15-3:30 pm
3:30-5:00 pm
Awards Ceremony and Trask Lecture
Montpelier Room
5:00-7:00 pm
Montpelier Room, Dining Room A, Dining Room C
| |
Friday, May 30
8:00 am
Registration Opens (Light Breakfast)
Dining Room C
9:00-10:30 am
Session 4
Panel 7
Montpelier Room
Panel 7: Local Histories, National Stories: Partnership Programs and Networks in the National Park Service
Montpelier Room
Emily Kambic, National Park Service
Ashley Adams, National Park Service
Déanda Johnson, National Park Service
Perri Meldon, National Park Service
Kathryn G. Smith, National Park Service
Panel 8
West Dining Room
Panel 8: Capturing History: Insights into Joint Oral History Programs
Angela Riotto, Defense Security Cooperation University Heather Haley, Naval History and Heritage Command Kate Tietzen-Wisdom, U.S. Army Center of Military History Jessica Sheets, U.S. Marine Corps University, History Division
Panel 9
Dining Room A
Panel 9: Commemoration and Public Outreach in War and Peace
Dining Room A
Chair Lisa Budreau, U.S. Marine Corps University, History Division
"The Marine Corps Remembers 9/11"
Sean Graham, Directorate of Heritage and History at the Department of National Defense (Ottawa, CAN)
"Whose Story is It? Cross-Department Historical Training at Canada's First World War Sites"
Ellie Kaplan, University of California Davis
"Implementing Disability Civil Rights at Our National Parks" Shane Story, U.S. Army War College “Frank and Honest? U.S. Army Histories of the War on Terror"
Panel 10 Dining Room C | Panel 10: History's Mysteries: Crowdsourcing Answers to Your Most Vexing Questions Dining Room C Structured Conversation/Workshop Chair: Leslie Poster, National Museum of American History |
10:30- 10:45 am
10:45 am- 12:15 pm
Session 5
Panel 11 Montpelier Room
Panel 11: To Serve the Country and the 54: History in the National Guard
Montpelier Room
Chair/Moderator, Elizabeth Borja, National Guard Bureau, History Office
Chris Kuhns, Air National Guard History Office
Andrew Hargroder, Historian, National Guard Bureau, History Office
Richard Clark, National Guard Bureau, History Office
Blair Haworth, Air National Guard History Office
Joseph Miller, National Guard Bureau, History Office
Julie Shively, Maryland National Guard
Miranda Summers Lowe, National Guard Bureau, History Office
Andrew Hargroder, National Guard Bureau, History Office
Panel 12 Dining Room A |
Panel 12: Cold War Solutions: Recollections of International Security Practitioners Dining Room A
Jennie Gromoll, U.S. Department of State
Mark Goodman, U.S. Department of State
Jeffrey Charleston, U.S. Department of State
Panel 13 West Dining Room | Panel 13: Expanding the Archive: Rewriting the Histories of Soldiers and Bureaucrats West Dining Room Chair Mariel "M" Maughan, Center for Cryptologic History, NSA "WACs Sinking Ships in the Pacific: WWII Cryptology" Donald Hall, Defense Health Agency "Making Medical History: The 27th Military History Detachment and the Documentation of Medical Support during the Vietnam War" Sabrina Waite, Texas A&M University "The Prized Plum: Black Ideology and African American Diplomats in Haiti, 1869-1914" Eric W. Boyle, Department of Energy Atomic Fission: The Breakup of the Atomic Energy Commission and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974
12:15-2:00 pm
Session 6
Panel 10 Montpelier Room
Panel 10: Celebrating the Navy's 250th Birthday and the Navy Department Library's 225th Birthday: A Roundtable with NHHC Historians, Curators, and Librarians Montpelier Room Breanne Robertson, Naval History and Heritage Command Martin Waldman, Naval History and Heritage Command Jeff Bowdoin, Naval Histories and Heritage Command Dennis Wilson, Navy Department Library, Naval History and Heritage Command Rajshree Solanki, National Museum of the United States Navy
Panel 11 Dining Room A
Panel 11: "We are Dealing with a Gifted Toddler:" Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in History"
Dining Room A
Orlando E. Pacheco, Defense Intelligence Agency Ramesh Menon, Defense Intelligence Agency Annette S. Fisher, Defense Intelligence Agency
Panel 12
West Dining Room
Panel 12: Early Career Historians in Army History
West Dining Room
Chair: Ashley Vance, U.S. Army Center of Military History David Hipple, U.S. Army Center of Military History (Texas Tech University) Bearington Curtis, U.S. Army Center of Military History (University of Southern Mississippi) Brynne Long, U.S. Army Center of Military History Julia Wall, U.S. Army Center of Military History
Informal Happy Hour