History as Dialogue
Society for History in the Federal Government
2025 Annual Meeting
Library of Congress, Madison Building
Washington, DC
May 29-30, 2025
The process of producing federal history rarely results from individuals working alone. Instead, history is a collaborative process that involves professionals reaching out across disciplines, integrating skills and experiences in creative ways. This occurs within organizations, but also between federal agencies, educational institutions, and in dialogue with the public.
This year’s SHFG conference will explore the ways in which federal historians, curators, archivists, editors, administrators, contractors, and other professionals make federal history across boundaries and in collaboration with colleagues and with the public. We will discuss both the challenges this brings and the benefits of creating projects about and within the federal government.
Registration is now open! A program and schedule will be posted as soon as it is available.
Registration Rates for 2025
*NEW* Early Bird Registration, Closes May 10
Early Bird Members: $65
Early Bird non-Members: $100
2025 Special Recently Terminated Federal/Contractor Rate (please email shfg.primary@gmail.com for info)
Regular Rates (after May 10)
Members: $85
Student Members: $35
Non-Members: $150
Non-Member Student: $40
Institutional Members: $65 (please email us for information)
**Please note: Registration fees for the conference are non-refundable**
Library of Congress
James Madison Memorial Building
101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20540