Federal History 2.0: Rethinking Methods
and Approaches in the Wake of a Pandemic
The Society for History in the Federal Government will hold its annual meeting on June 1-2, 2023 at the National Archives in Washington, DC.
Proposals are due March 15.
2023 Annual Meeting CFP
Registration for the Annual Meeting is $40 for student members,
$45 for non-member students, $85 for members,
and $135 for non-members.
Tentative Schedule is online:
2023 Annual Meeting
**Please note: Registration fees for the conference are non-refundable**
COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement
All SHFG annual meeting participants must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide proof of vaccination to attend any annual meeting events. Please present a valid COVID-19 vaccine card or a photo of the card when you pick up your credentials at registration. If you have any questions contact us at: shfg.primary@gmail.com