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Department of State Office of News, Clippings Section, 1960 Records of the Department of State, National Archives
NASA Scientists Testing Laser Beacon for the Gemini Project, CA. 1965
Department of State Two-Way Radio System Installation, 1951 Records of the Department of State, National Archives
Census Bureau Workers, Washington, DC, 1940 National Archives, Records of the Census Bureau
Border Patrol Agents, Gainesville, Florida, 1926
Idyllwild Ranger Station, Arapaho National Forest, Colorado, 1908 Records of the Forest Service, National Archives, Washington DC

Sign up for the SHFG E-Bulletin

Our email newsletter for general announcements, job postings, conferences, and other information from the federal history community! 


Upcoming events

  • Thursday, May 29, 2025 8:00 AM
    Library of Congress, James Madison Building, 101 Independence Ave, SE, Washington DC


CFP for SHFG 2025 Annual Meeting 

Issue 16, 2024 of Federal History is now online! 

Directory Project: please add your office information to our new Federal History Directory


The Society for History in the Federal Government serves as the voice of the federal history community, bringing together government professionals with academic faculty, consultants, students, and a broad range of citizens interested in fostering a better understanding of the history of the federal government and the diverse ways in which federal history is produced. Founded in 1979, the Society works to address common concerns, support shared interests, and stimulate discussion across the federal history community.

Memberships run from January to December.

Please consider joining the society as an individual
or as an institution.

We offer several membership levels.

For membership information and rates, click here

Photo Submissions Needed

Since 2013 SHFG has been supplying photos for NARFE’s monthly newsletter entitled “The Way We Worked,” NARFE is starting an online version of the newsletter

We need your photo submissions, please! We would like to keep this feature and relationship going... but we are running out of photos. 

The feature highlights a historical photograph of federal government employees at work. We are interested in historical photographs showing a variety of federal work throughout history although it must be civilian employees at work; not the military.

The requirements are:

• high resolution scans (at least 300 dpi)

• public domain

• includes a short caption describing the photo and (if possible) how

that work is being done today

• photo credit

Please send photo submissions to







Founded in 1979, the Society works to address common concerns, support shared interests, and stimulate discussion across the federal history community. The work of that community takes many forms, including documentary collections, historic preservation and interpretation, institutional histories, museum exhibitions, oral history programs, policy research, records and information management, and reference services. The Society’s membership is similarly diverse, including not only historians but also archaeologists, archivists, consultants, curators, editors, librarians, preservationists, and others engaged in or committed to government history.


Society for History in the Federal Government
PO BOX 14139
Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044

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